Is Drop-in audio the next big thing?

Updated on May 22 2021,Sapling 🌱

Clubhouse just dropped its android version. Like the majority of Indians owning an android device, I gave it a try. Here are my two cents on drop-in audio being the next big thing.

  1. It involves active participation in contrast to podcasts, videos or tweets. Hence, spectators can involve with their favourite celebrity and creators can indulge in building the audience.
  2. People often refer to it as 'safe space' since there is no internal or in-built recording functionality or persistence in terms of a post/tweet.
  3. Traditionally content is delivered asynchronously. Drop-in audio, however, provides the possibility to have much more organic & real-time interaction with the audience and a quick feedback loop.
  4. It helps break the screen fatigue and enabling people to drive conversations without having to procrastinate writing long threads to express an opinion.
  5. This helps in exploring A/B testing with a new direction - A very cool example I personally saw were standup clubhouses where the comedian called upon people to unmute their mics to see which punchlines land up well.
  6. Challenge remains to make it more accessible especially for people who might have hearing disabilities.